Student assistance service of the People's Republic of China. We have been working since ... year. We help students from China who study at Russian universities.You can contact us to resolve any issue related to your studies. We work without prepayment. This is the guarantee of the quality of our work.
You can submit a request in the form. Write your e-mail and describe what you need help with. We will calculate the cost and offer the best solution for you.
or write to us directly
Our service helps students from China who study at Russian universities. You can contact us if you need help with academic work or need to sort out some issue related to the learning process. We provide a number of the following services:
Writing large written papers or parts of them, including theses, term papers, practice reports.
Writing small written works: essays, laboratory, tasks, assignments.
We help you take exams online: we will pass a test, a colloquium, a test in your personal account; we will write a written work in your personal account.
We help to pass a remote session.
We provide consultations: about admission to the university, about passing the unified state exam (USE).
We make cheat sheets for state exams and help in drawing up drawings for the WRC or other studies.
We provide educational assistance to students from China who study at Russian universities. You can contact us for the service if you are studying at the university listed below in the specified programs/directions.
Why can you trust us?
There are several reasons for this:
We work without prepayment. You transfer money to us only after we have completed the work.
An agreement is concluded between the contractor and the customer. This agreement guarantees confidentiality for the customer and the performance of written and any other work on time.
The contractor constantly keeps in touch with the customer. It will be possible to make edits and additions to the written or any other work at any time.
Our specialists work efficiently. They will collect all the necessary material for scientific work and design it according to the requirements of your university and GOST/HAC standards, while you can safely continue to study or work.
With our help, you will be able to successfully pass any academic work, test, exam or session! If you still have any questions, you can write to us by e-mail such and such or contact us by phone number such and such.
We do all kinds of educational work. However, most often students turn to us for the following services:
We also provide a number of other services for students doing graduate work:
Diploma assignment
we will help you arrange the document and its contents so that the teacher approves it the first time.
Title page
we will design the title page of your thesis in accordance with GOST standards or check whether you have designed it correctly.
Content and plan
we will help you draw up a thesis plan so that it will be easy for you to write it.
we will advise you how to write a summary of the work, justify its relevance, novelty, significance, and draw up the main conclusions.
we will help you formulate the relevance, novelty and significance of your thesis, its goals, objectives, problems and expected results.
we will tell you how to formalize the conclusions of the work, how to describe the main results and what has been achieved.
List of literature
we will help you to correctly compile and arrange a bibliography for your thesis. The attestation commission will see the depth of study and analysis of the research topic, your high level of knowledge on the topic.
we will tell you how to write a review about your thesis correctly. Or we will write a review for you: we will indicate the strengths and weaknesses of the work, give an overall assessment and recommendations, and conclude that the text corresponds to the research topic.
we will help you arrange tables, graphs, diagrams and diagrams of your thesis into a convenient brochure or a beautiful presentation. You will be able to show these materials to the attestation commission during the defense of the thesis.
Normal inspection
we will help you to issue a thesis in accordance with GOST standards. The diploma will pass the control from the first time!
The service also provides the following training services:
We will execute a computer drawing of any complexity. We will draw up the documentation for the drawing according to GOST standards.
Tips for state exams (GOS)
Lead time: from 1 to 3 days.
Remote entrance exams
We will pass the test for you, we will write a paper.
MBA Program Services
If you are studying in any of the MBA programs, you can contact us to complete any educational task, or for advice.
Remote examination
Our team will help you not only with admission, but also during the session. Passing tests and exams through your personal account.
Practical tasks: tests, laboratory work, tasks.
We will help in solving tests, tasks, writing laboratory work.
And finally, our service provides students with assistance with small written works during the academic year and at the session, and also helps to prepare for the Unified State Exam (USE). The list of services for students includes:
we will help you take the test online in your personal account or we will write a job for you.
we will give advice if you have any questions on a topic, we will pass the test for you online or help you prepare tips (cheat sheets).
Laboratory work
we will write a laboratory work on the topic you need. The text will contain only up-to-date and verified information. We will arrange the work according to the criteria that you provide.
we will write a high-quality essay on the topic you need in accordance with the standards of your university and in accordance with GOST standards.
we will help you pass the colloquium online in your personal account.
we can help you pass tests, exams, tests at a remote session.
Unified State Exam (USE)
we provide consultations on mathematics, Russian language, literature, social studies, history, physics, English. We will explain the topic or task you need during your studies or during the exam.
Admission to university
we will give you a consultation if you do not know where you want to study. Let us know: what professions you are interested in, in which city you would like to live and study, what form of education you prefer – full–time or part-time, and on what basis you want to study - paid or budget. We will find the best option for you.
Customer reviews
Our team
Elena Veselkina

Maxim Sobolev